Monday, January 11, 2010

Starting Jan 15th, Teaching Fri Nights, The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse "Charge of the Four Horsemen" & Mercy and Judgement
Are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse already loose and riding among the nations today? A growing number of Bible scholars are taking the position that they are. The enclosed teaching not only identifies the manifestation of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in the world today, but it also helps to reset the apocalyptic plumb line for interpreting the Book of Revelation as a whole. - Ecclesiastes 10:2 NAS-->
Session 1: The White Horseman of the First SealAntichrist, Globalism and the New World Order Movement
Session 2: The Red Horseman of the Second SealHegelian Wars and the Great Sword
Session 3: The Black Horseman of the Third SealDishonest Scales and Global Economic Crises
Session 4: The Pale Horseman of the Fourth Seal"The Sword of Islam" and Killer VirusesAre the four horsemen of the Apocalypse already loose and riding among the nations today? A growing number of Bible scholars are taking the position that they are. The enclosed teaching not only identifies the manifestation of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in the world today, but it also helps to reset the apocalyptic plumb line for interpreting the Book of Revelation as a whole. - Ecclesiastes 10:2 NAS-->

Join us Fri Evenings at 7:00pm for this 4 part teaching.
Call for more info. 519-794-4844

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